Make Him Propose

Best Marriage Proposals  » Marriage Proposal Tips »  Make Him Propose

There are million ways to make him propose:

Your general behavior should be as charming as can be. This should be continuous and constant over a long period, rather than beautiful moments with strong crash downs shortly after. Its important that while using your personal magic you stay honest and true to yourself.Charming has its personal interpretations, you choose your personal mix – sexy, funny, smart or just being a good friend – you know your man and you are sure to know what would make him propose.

After creating the right atmosphere between you, during several weeks or months, there are several more stages that will make him propose; it is time for little hints: get excited about weddings whenever you have an opportunity – whether they are mentioned on TV, friends getting married, passing by a jewelry shop with engagement rings – don’t miss these useful opportunities you have to make him know you want it. Make sure to use these tips gracefully and without pushing it too far; don’t worry, it’s a matter of time and patience until our tips and your personal magic make him propose.