Gender: Female Age: 20-25 years old Partners Gender: Male Partners Age: 25-30 years old The Proposal: The proposal was in private Relationship Period: Below 6 month Approx. Budget: Below $500
Best Marriage Proposals: We met while working summer jobs near Denali Park in AK. After having known each other for about three weeks, we drove the Denali Highway on our days off. The second night camping was miserable cold and unbeleiveably windy, so rather than put up the tent, we decided to sleep in the back of our truck. We were just talking and being uncomfy (and hungry since it was too windy to get a fire going or even use the camp stove) when suddenly Steven got all weird, and insisted I get out of my nice warm sleeping bag and go use the bathroom. He was ridiculously persistent, saying that Id regret it if I waited because it looked like it was going to rain. I finally relented, kind of irritated beacause I didnt have to pee, and started out on my trek across the whole camp ground to the only outhouse. On the way back, I got bit on the leg by someones dog, and it did start to rain hard. I was less than pleased by the time I retured to the truck. Steven was waiting for me, with a ring lying on my pillow, and asked a drenched me to marry him. Without hesitation I said yes. He had dropped the ring inside his sleeping bag and couldnt find it, thats why he ordered me out the the bathroom so he could open up his bag and find it.